4th International Neurodiversity & the Built Environment Symposium: Intentional Connections


Jefferson - East Falls Campus + Virtual
4201 Henry Avenue
Philadelphia , PA 19144

4th International Neurodiversity & the Built Environment Symposium: Intentional Connections

Building on the previous three years' symposia, FALL2020 Building Community and Rethinking the Built EnvironmentFALL2021 Immersive Experiences, and FALL2022 PlaceMaking, respectively, this year's symposium focuses on Intentional Connections and ways we are all in together to expand the scope of the dialogue with a focus on Shifting Cultures and Education as a Catalyst.

These yearly events are intensely cross-disciplinary and aimed toward critical interactions addressing all-inclusive ways of inhabiting and perceiving our environments. They seek to stimulate international dialogue amongst neurodivergent individuals, communities and advocacy groups, architects, planners, designers, artists, therapists, medical field experts, tech companies, and educational institutions.

Presented by the Synesthetic Research and Design Lab at the College of Architecture and the Built Environment and the Jefferson Heath Center for Autism and Neurodiversity in partnership with the University College Dublin Inclusive Design Research Centre of Ireland with SMARTlab teams, sponsored by Shrub Oak International School.

Thank you to our sponsor