Post-Doctoral MS in Pharmacology

Master of Science Program in Pharmacology

Human Investigation Specialization Track
Title Credit Hours
BI 550 Topics in Biomedical Chemistry * 3
GC 510 Database Design and Management 2
GC 515 Quality Measures/Outcomes Analysis in Healthcare, or 3
GC 650 Economic Analysis of Healthcare Interventions, or 3
PH 508 Health Policy: An International Perspective 3
GC 630 Fundamentals of Clinical Trials 3
GC 640 Research Ethics and Responsible Conduct 1
GC 654 Pharmacoepidemiology, or 2
GC 655 Clinical Epidemiology 2
GC 660 Biostatistical Methods of Data Analysis 3
GC 690 Regulatory Issues in Scientific Affairs 2
MI 580 Epidemiology 3
PR 522 General Pharmacology * 3
PR 525 Clinical Pharmacology 3
Elective* 3
PR 810, 820, 830 Clerkship 3
PR 870, 880, 890 Masters Thesis Research ** 6
Required Courses 40

This track is reserved for trainees in the NIH K30 Training Program in Human Investigation.

The courses listed are components of the NIH K30 Training Program in Human Investigation.
Physicians may receive up to nine credits for medical college coursework (typical courses are marked with “*”).
** Please note that the Human Investigation track requires a research thesis (i.e., students in this track are not eligible for the capstone project option).

Further Information

For more information on the Human Investigation Specialization Track and the NIH K30 program, contact Dr. Scott Waldman

For more information on the Master of Science degree requirements, course descriptions, etc., please refer to the Jefferson College of Life Sciences website.