Academic Commons News

Gutman Library Celebrates Gaypril by Amplifying Diverse Voices: LGBTQIA+ Book Display

This month, the Gutman Library is recognizing and celebrating Gaypril with a book display featuring titles focusing on LGBTQIA+ identities. The display features titles written by authors that identify as LGBTQIA+, as well as titles that celebrate LGBTQIA+ identities and explore topics relevant to LGBTQIA+ life experiences.

The physical book display is on the Main Floor of Gutman Library on the furniture piece next to the Popular Reading Collection. You can check out books using your Jefferson ID. We’ve listed and linked electronic titles and films below. 

This book display was created by Gutman Librarians as a part of our Celebrating and Amplifying Diverse Identities Book Display Series. If there’s an identity that you would like to see celebrated in our book displays, please contact Megan Donnelly and Miranda Meketon. If you are a student leader, university staff or faculty member, or a member of a student group, we would love to collaborate with you!

We want to give a big thank you to Mare Jannicelli, Serials Coordinator at Gutman Library, for helping us curate this display. On April 23rd there will be a showing of All About My Mother in the Media Classroom of the Gutman Library. This is part of the Library’s LGBTQIA+ Movie Nights, a series held 3-4 times each semester.

We hope that these titles spark your curiosity about LGBTQIA+ life experiences.