Postbaccalaureate Pre-Professional Program (P4)


  • Center City Campus
  • College of Life Sciences

Degree Earned

  • Certificate

Program Length
1 to 2 years

Program Type

  • On Campus

BS/BA | See more


The Postbaccalaureate Pre-Professional Program (P4) is designed for individuals seeking to complete their basic science requirements in preparation for entrance to medical and other health-professional schools.

We offer educational and professional development in the health professions, for academically competitive individuals with non-science undergraduate and graduate degrees—all within a supportive, collaborative and welcoming environment.

Upon successful completion of the program, students will earn a Certificate in Post-Baccalaureate Pre-Health Studies.

Linkage Agreements

The P4 program currently has linkage agreements with the following medical schools:

Moving forward, we will be partnering with other medical/professional schools to increase these opportunities for our students.