Steven J. Parrillo, DO, FACOEP-Dist., FACEP

Medical Director

Steven J. Parrillo, DO, FACOEP-Dist., FACEP


4201 Henry Avenue
East Falls Campus
Philadelphia, PA 19144

Email Steven Parrillo

215-951-6812 fax

Steven J. Parrillo, DO, FACOEP-Dist., FACEP

Medical Director


Dr. Parrillo has been certified in Emergency Medicine since 1984 and involved with disaster planning (now emergency preparedness) since 1981. He chairs the Einstein Healthcare Network’s Emergency Management Committee and has done so since 1989.  He is a member of Pa ACEP’s Terrorism and Disaster Task Force and founded the AEHN Center for Special Operations and Training and helped write and edit the BDLS chapter on mass mortality management. Dr. Parrillo is the Medical Director for the Einstein Medical Center Elkins Park Department of Emergency Medicine. His publications include articles in emergency medicine journals, disaster journals and textbooks. He serves as Medical Director and Faculty for the Philadelphia University Disaster Medicine and Management Master’s Program. Dr. Parrillo is an Associate Professor of Emergency Medicine at both Jefferson Medical College and Philadelphia College of Osteopathic Medicine and is Adjunct Professor, College of Science, Health and the Liberal Arts, Philadelphia University. He is also very much involved in emergency medical services, serving as Medical Director for two ALS services and as a member of the Chester County Medical Advisory Committee.


Foundations in Emergency Management