Visiting scholar Dr. Deborah Washington meets with Jefferson School of Nursing students and faculty

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Each year the Jefferson School of Nursing (JSN) invites a Visiting Scholar to campus to present on a topic that is both timely and of interest to both JSN and Jefferson's Nursing department.  This year's Visiting Scholar was Dr. Deborah Washington, Director of Diversity for Patient Care at Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH).  Dr. Washington met with JSN faculty in the morning and discussed diversity and cultural awareness both in nursing education and nursing practice.  JSN hosted a luncheon in Deborah's honor and the day culminated with a presentation by Dr. Washington to JSN students and faculty.

Highlights from Dr. Washington's Presentation

About Dr. Washington

Dr. Washington has been Director of Diversity for Patient Care Services at MGH since 1995 and has practiced there since 1986. She received the Bachelor of Science in Nursing degree from Boston University School of Nursing and earned the Master of Science in Nursing degree in Adult Mental Health from Boston College School of Nursing in 1993.  Dr. Washington graduated from Boston College in 2012 with the PhD in Nursing. She was also a fellow in the inaugural class of the Health Research Educational Trust (HRET) Cultural Competence Leadership Fellowship in 2006.

Dr. Washington has been honored with many awards, including being the national finalist in the Nursing Spectrum Excellence Award in the category of Advancing and Leading the Profession. She has twice been recognized by the Boston Ad Council with a Rosoff Award and is the first recipient of the inaugural Rosoff Agent of Change Award. Dr.  Washington was also recognized with the Boston Business Journal's Healthcare Leader Award and is a 2010 graduate of the Robert Wood Johnson Executive Nurse Fellowship program.  Dr. Washington has co-authored articles and book chapters on diversity in nursing, as well as a paper on mentoring minority professionals published in Nursing Administration Quarterly.