Universities are Schooling Future Architects to Consider Community & History as They Design

Architecture schools have moved to train students to consider the “whats” and “whys,” rather than just the “hows” - The Philadelphia Inquirer

In the Real Estate section of the Philadelphia Inquirer, an article centers on future architects like architecture student Emily Potenza considering “community and history as they design,” and specifically highlighting adjunct professor Max Zahniser and his students seeking ways that architecture can meet community needs by involving residents in the process as opposed to imposing design upon their neighborhoods.

Historic preservation specialist Suzanne Singletary, Ph.D., and program director of the M.S. in Historic Preservation (launched in 2019), has students designing possible new uses for a vacant news building on City Avenue. Additionally, quoted is Dean Barbara Klinkhammer with regards to learning during COVID and broadening the demographics in the profession.