Inkyu Kevin Kim, PhD, MA


Inkyu Kevin Kim


901 Walnut Street
10th Floor
Philadelphia, PA 19107

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Inkyu Kevin Kim, PhD, MA


Research & Practice Interests

Economic Evaluation Methods
Health Economics/Econometrics
Comparative Effectiveness Research
Health Services and Outcome Research


PhD, City University of New York (CUNY)
MA, Yonsei University


University Appointment

Lecturer, Jefferson College of Population Health


Economic Modeling for Healthcare I
Economic Modeling for Healthcare II


Inkyu Kim, PhD, is a health economist and health service researcher. He has a PhD in economics from the City University of New York (CUNY), an MA in Economics from Yonsei University, and a BA in International Trade from Kookmin University in South Korea. His primary interests are health technology assessment (HTA) of health technology and observational studies using diverse cutting-edge methodologies and various forms of real-world data.  

Dr. Inkyu Kim has been experiencing a wide range of jobs spanning different environments in the US healthcare system – a federal government, a pharmaceutical company, a payer, and a non-profit organization. As a Director of Worldwide HEOR Economic & Predictive Modeling lead at Bristol Myers Squibb (BMS), he is responsible for leading health economic models and supporting real world evidence (RWE) studies in the areas of gastrointestinal cancer, renal cell carcinoma, and breast cancer.  

Prior to joining BMS, Dr. Kim was a director in Comparative Effectiveness Research within the Value-Based Analytics of OptumRx, he led an advanced team with comparative effectiveness research and internal analytics to quantify the value of drugs. Before OptumRx, he was an Associate Director of US HEOR at Novartis supporting the development of health economic models for pricing strategies and decisions on pipeline and inline general medicine products and was a Senior Research Scientist at Centers for Disease and Control (CDC) collaborating with World Health Organization (WHO) and Pan America Health Organization (PAHO) for the Influenza Program by developing and managing program impact models and designing and conducting observational studies. Prior to that, he was a senior health research analyst at Milken Institute and a Prevention Effectiveness Fellow at CDC.

He has also been teaching two economic modeling courses after he joined as an adjunct in 2018 and had taught health economics, health care system, obesity, mathematics, health administration, microeconomics, statistical analysis for economics and finance, labor economics, computer-aided economic analysis, principle of statistics, and public economics at the City University of New York and Trident University.