Faculty Engagement

Faculty News & Information

We encourage all faculty to become educated consumers of the information we share about our University. Social media is an excellent way to keep abreast of all our University happenings. Other online channels worth visiting include your college website home page as well as Jefferson.edu. Both are updated regularly with important University news.

Our most recent addition to share our news, and tell the stories the public should know more about, is our website we call The Nexus. Nexus is a connection or series of connections linking two or more things, bringing ideas to life. It also describes our collaborative, real-world approach to learning at Jefferson.  So it makes perfect sense that The Nexus website is home to the great stories about faculty and students that make Jefferson unique in higher ed. Visit the site often. Content is refreshed every week. 

Faculty News

Covid vaccine, mask and nurse giving plaster to patient. Medical worker covering arm with care after doing checks in lab. Consulting, trust and medicine for virus immunity and science

Patient education about flu shot during a non-life threatening emergency department visit increases vaccination rates, especially in patients without regular primary care.

Ribonucleic acid or RNA is a nucleic acid present in all living cells that has structural similarities to DNA. RNA is most often single stranded 3d rendering

Fragments of genetic material called Y RNAs are found to be depleted in platelets from COVID patients.