Policies & Procedures

Housing Operations Policies

Eligibility for housing is determined by student enrollment and the location of the college in which a student is enrolled. The students below may apply for housing in specific areas as described below:

Full Time Undergraduate students: Applications for housing are accepted on the campus housing the student’s program for current full time (12 credits or more per semester) undergraduate students. Failure to maintain 12 credits may lead to termination of the housing contract at the discretion of the Office of Residential Life. Students who lose their eligibility must inform the Office of Residential Life (“ORL”) within two (2) business days and may be subject to cancellation charges.

Graduate Students: Applications for housing are accepted for actively enrolled graduate students. Failure to maintain 12 credits may lead to termination of this Agreement at the discretion of the Office of Housing and Residence Life. Students who lose their eligibility must inform the Office of Residential Life (“ORL”) within two (2) business days and are subject to cancellation charges. On the east falls campus, graduate students may apply for any unassigned spaces on a semesterly basis but will only be considered after full-time undergraduates have been placed.

Continuing education and part-time students: Applications for any unassigned spaces on a semesterly basis and will only be considered after other students have been placed. Exceptions to this policy may be made by the Director(s) of Residence Life and Housing. House staff and post-doctoral fellows: Applicants must verify their eligibility status by providing a letter from their department confirming that the fellowship will continue for at least one calendar year.

For more information please review the University's Health and Insurance Requirements

College and University Vaccination Act Effective August 27, 2002, this law requires all full-time college students who live in university housing show proof that they have been vaccinated against meningococcal disease (bacterial meningitis).

Please review the Jefferson's Vaccination Policy

A Security Deposit is held against damages, non-payment of fees, and noncompliance with termination procedures. For Barringer and Orlowitz a $250 deposit is payable upon acceptance of the housing assignment and before the first day of occupancy.  

The deposit is non-refundable in the event that the housing agreement is not fulfilled or completed. The deposit will not be refunded in the case of a contract termination. 

Martin residents are not required to submit a security deposit. All damages will be billed through student accounts via banner.

All Housing Agreements and current student housing paperwork (including Renewal and Transfer Applications) are considered binding contracts once signed and submitted to the Office of Residential Life.

Students residing in Barringer or Orlowitz will enter into an agreement with the University and its agent, the Philadelphia Management Company (PMC) by signing a Housing Agreement. Apartments are offered as they become available for occupancy based on move in dates set by ORL and terminate June 30. The first month’s housing fees are due when an agreement is signed. All contractual obligations, including the incurring of housing fees, begin on the date given in the assignment letter. Barringer and Orlowitz fees are payable on the first of each month thereafter. 

Students residing in Martin will enter into an agreement with the University. 

Housing contracts are automatically terminated if a resident withdraws or is dismissed from Thomas Jefferson University, or if the resident resigns or is terminated from a post-doc fellowship or an affiliate position. Residents with a change of status must contact the Office of Residential Life to complete termination paperwork. There are no other conditions under which the University will terminate the housing contract before the contract date.

Occupants hold individual agreements for a room space and are individually liable for their portion of rent. If an occupant resides in a unit where a termination occurs, said occupant may remain in their room space until the end of the occupants individual contract. Please note that the Housing Office has a right to place occupants in empty rooms paces.

The refund of the Housing Fees for students who withdraw from the University is determined by:

  • The date on which the check-out process is completed as defined by: completion of the Notification of Student Leave of Absence/Withdrawal Form; completion of the Room Condition Checklist (return of all keys and IDs; and removal of all personal belongings from the room).
  • The housing location: Barringer and Orlowitz Halls forfeit their deposit and any paid rent. Martin Hall refunds are based on the Tuition Refund Schedule.

To review the University Tuition Refund policy, please go to the Tuition Refund page.

A Liquid Oxygen storage facility is located at the northwest corner of the Bluemle Life Sciences Building, behind the Barringer Building. The liquid oxygen is supplied as gaseous oxygen to many inpatient and outpatient areas throughout the hospital. It is a necessary item, especially in areas of critical care.

Oxygen is not flammable or explosive. Its association with flammability stems from the fact that when we introduce oxygen into an already existing flame, the oxygen allows the flame to burn vigorously until the material (not the oxygen) is used up.

The oxygen found in the storage facility is used as a gas, but stored as a liquid. This is necessary because in order to store oxygen in the gaseous state a larger tank is required due to the expanded volume of gas. Also, liquid oxygen is at a significantly lower pressure than oxygen gas, which reduces the chance that the vessel could rupture from pressure fractures.

The gaseous oxygen is super cooled to a lower temperature thereby reducing its volume and lowering its pressure. Prior to use, it is allowed to warm and convert back to its gaseous state through a process at the base of the storage vessel.

The tanks are inspected twice a year and each time they are filled. There are low level alarms which sound in the Department of Respiratory Care.

Parking is prohibited on the concrete slab surrounding the tank. In the event that any oxygen leaks during the filling process, contact with automobile oil could result the spontaneous combustion of the oil on the slab. To avoid this, field service technicians inspect the concrete slab for gasoline, diesel fuel, and oil.

Center City tractor trailer restrictions (7am-6pm), traffic or track repair delays, and low oxygen levels all dictate delivery times. The optimum delivery scenario is arrival between 7 pm and 8 pm with the departure before 10 pm.

If you have questions about this information, contact the Department of Environmental Health and Safety at 215-503-6260 or the Assistant Director of Housing Operations at 215-955-2890.

On campus family housing is available only in the Barringer and Orlowitz apartment-style residence halls at the Center City campus. Family housing is reserved for individuals who are, at the time of move-in, full-time TJU undergraduate students, graduate students, or postdoctoral appointees, and their spouses, and minor children. Applicants should provide a certificate of marriage from a municipality or government entity and/or a birth certificate of each minor dependent. Students are required to inform the Office of Residential Life if their student status changes. All residents must abide by the terms of the Housing Agreement.

Minor Dependents:

Applicants with minor dependents, regardless of priority status and/or date and time of receipt of application, are given preference for apartments. However, within the group of applicants with minor dependents, assignments are made by date and time of receipt of application.

All requests for accommodations should be made to Accessibility Services. These offices provides verification of a student's status to the Office of Residential Life for consideration in housing assignments. A representative from Accessibility Services will contact Office of Residential Life - Center City Campus directly regarding any accommodations for the residence halls.

Students who take a “leave of absence” or a “medical leave of absence” need to notify the Office Residential Life prior to leaving the residence halls. Students must fill out a request for Early Termination through the Housing Application. After the student’s termination request has been received and processed, the student’s housing agreement will be terminated. Since the housing agreement terms were not fulfilled, the student may forfeit their deposit for Barringer and Orlowitz Halls; and any paid rent. Martin Hall students taking a leave of absence are subject to the Tuition Refund schedule. If a student moves out of the residence halls without completing the steps outlined above, the student is still responsible for the terms in their housing agreement including monthly or semester payments until such time as the steps are completed.

To review all information regarding the Universities Policy on service animals and emotional support animals please go to the Assistance Animals page. 

The resident agrees to hold the University, its agents and employees harmless from all damages, liability or loss arising out of any negligent act or omission or other misconduct by the student on or about the premises.

The University does not provide protection against lost, damaged or stolen property. Students are advised to obtain renter's insurance should such protection be desired. Students are jointly and severally liable for all damage that is caused to the room(s) or any furniture/furnishings/fixture therein. Students are liable for the cost of repairing damage to the room(s) and building in case of fire, smoke, etc., if caused in violation of University policy or the housing agreement.

Residents must remove all items when moving out of the building. Items found after a resident's departure will be considered abandoned and will be discarded. If a student fails to fully vacate University property within 48 hours following termination of their agreement, the University reserves the right to charge $300 or more in order to dispose of any remaining property. 

When vacancies occur, the University reserves the right to show rooms and assign new occupants to fill those vacancies. The University reserves the right to consolidate students in partially filled rooms or apartments.

When a new resident is assigned, the current occupant(s) is expected to welcome this person and treat them with respect. Failure to demonstrate respectful behavior by any current occupant of a room is considered a policy violation and subject to judicial referral. Examples of inappropriate actions include, but are not limited to: telling the student assigned that you do not want anyone living with you; expressing to the newly assigned person that you do not want them living with you; telling the new students assigned that their experience will be difficult in the assigned space; or communicating any other disparaging comments made to or about the new resident or assignment process including but not limited to: in person comments, words or actions to other student about or directed towards the newly assigned student.

Applicants are able to select housing based on the assigned housing selection timeslot that is generated based on the date and time of receipt of application. 

Apartments must be occupied as assigned. On-campus housing spaces may only be occupied by the applicant, the applicant’s legal spouse (marriage license required), minor dependents, or domestic partners who meet eligibility requirements (Contact Office of Residential Life - Center City Campus, 215-955-1756, for eligibility requirements). Family housing is available in the Barringer and Orlowitz Residences only. In the case of siblings, both must be affiliated with TJU per eligibility requirements.

Minimum Occupancy: One, two, or three roommates may share an accommodation up the maximum occupancy. Roommate consolidation may occur if there are any other persons in an on-campus space that are below the minimum occupancy. 

Requirement for Occupancy: Failure to maintain eligibility status as defined in the ORL Eligibility Requirements will be cause for termination of the agreement.

Maximum Occupancy is listed below:           

Efficiency: One

One Bedroom: One
Two Bedroom: Two
Three Bedroom: Three

Maximum Family Occupancy is listed below:

Efficiency: Ineligible 
One Bedroom: Two
Two Bedroom: Four
Three Bedroom: Six

The total includes minor dependents.

The Office of Residential Life encourages roommates to make a good-faith effort to mediate any conflicts prior to requesting a room change. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to approve or deny any room change request. The Office of Residential Life is committed to an environment that is free of harassment, discrimination or any other offensive behavior that is grounded on any characteristic protected by law including but not limited to a person’s sex, age, race, color, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, gender expression, marital status, pregnancy, national origin, ancestry, citizenship, military status, veteran status, disability or any other protected group or status.

All room changes are managed out of the Office of Residential Life. Please contact the office for assistance. 

Should problems persist between the roommates and a reasonable solution cannot be achieved, the Office of Residential Life reserves the right to intervene and handle the situation through the University Community Standards process and/or reassign one or all roommates involved. In the event that students exhaust all other options, the Office of Residential Life will permit a room change if space is available.

Please review the Office of Residential Life's Move In Day page for additional information. 

Emergency Policies & Procedures

In Compliance with FERPA, residents in on-campus housing may elect to identify a specific person to be contacted by the institution within 24 hours of being reported missing. If a person is not specifically elected for this purpose, employees of the Office of Housing and Residence Life or other University officials will contact the general “emergency contact” person designated by the resident on their housing application and/or in student record database.

If the resident is determined to be less than 18 years of age, the student’s parent or legal guardian will be contacted within 24 hours if the student is determined to be missing.

Please be advised that the emergency contact person (or person the resident has elected to be notified) may be contacted by University officials to help determine a student’s whereabouts in cases where that student has been reported missing. In addition, appropriate law enforcement officials will be contacted after 24 hours if a student is determined to be missing.

The Philadelphia Fire Code requires various buildings to develop a plan to shelter occupants inside the building in the event of a hazardous material, biological or other emergency outside the building. The purpose of the shelter-in-place plan is to safeguard residents during an emergency outside the building by preventing or limiting the infiltration of hazardous materials into the building.

Residents may shelter-in-place by closing windows and doors and shutting off air handling/HVAC systems, and by moving occupants away from perimeter windows and doors to safer locations in the building. At least once each year a shelter-in-place drill will be conducted to ensure occupants know what to do and where to go during an emergency. Persons responsible for performing duties during the emergency will be provided with training.

During a Shelter-In-Place Emergency:

  • University and/or City Officials will determine when buildings residents are advised to shelter-in-place. When an emergency is announced and shelter-in-place is recommended occupants should immediately go to their designated shelter location. 
  • Shelter Location: Apartment residents are advised to stay inside their apartment, close windows and turn off the HVAC units in each room. Resident should prepare disaster kit that includes plastic sheeting and duct tape.During an emergency that requires shelter-in-place, residents are advised to seal windows, door frames, and HVAC vents with plastic sheeting and duct tape. Building management and desk staff will ensure that air-handling systems are shut down. 

Residents are advised to become familiar with each campus building’s Shelter-in-Place plan. Visit the Center City Campus Security website or the East Falls Security website for more information. 

A procedure used when there is an immediate threat to building occupants. Students, faculty and staff would be instructed to secure themselves in the rooms they are in and no one should leave until the situation has been curtailed. This allows emergency responders to secure the students and staff in place, address the immediate threat and remove or evacuate any innocent bystanders from immediate danger to an area of safe refuge. This procedure is most commonly used to secure areas not directly impacted by an incident occurring inside a building. During a lock down cell phones should be silenced. Other electronic devices should be shut off (TV, video games, etc.)

Quickly determine the most reasonable way to protect your own life.

Evacuate if there is an accessible escape path.

Be sure to:

  • Have an escape route and plan in mind 
  • Evacuate regardless of whether others agree to follow 
  • Leave your belongings behind 


  • Help others escape, including patients, students, visitors, and other staff if possible 
  • Prevent individuals from entering an area where the active shooter may be 
  • Keep your hands visible 
  • Follow the instructions of any police officers 
  • Do not attempt to move wounded people 

Center City: Call 811 (on-campus) or 911 (off campus or non-Jefferson building) when you are safe

Hide out if evacuation is not possible.

Find a place to hide where the active shooter is less likely to find you. Your hiding place should be out of the active shooter’s view, should provide protection if shots are fired in your direction (i.e., an office with a closed and locked door), and it should not trap you or restrict your options for movement. To prevent an active shooter from entering your hiding place, lock the door and blockade the door with heavy furniture.

If the active shooter is nearby:

  • Lock the door 
  • Silence your cell phone and/or pager 


  • Turn off any source of noise (i.e., radios, televisions) 
  • Hide behind large items (i.e., cabinets, desks) 
  • Remain quiet if evacuation and hiding out are not possible 
  • Remain calm 

Center City: Dial 811 (on-campus) or 911 (off-campus or non-Jefferson building), if possible, to alert police to the active shooter's location if you cannot speak, leave the line open and allow the dispatcher to listen.

Take action against the active shooter as a last resort, and only when your life is in imminent danger, attempt to disrupt and/or incapacitate the active shooter by acting as aggressively as possible against him/her, throwing items and improvising weapons, yelling, and committing to your actions.

How to respond when Law Enforcement Arrives:

Law enforcement’s purpose is to stop the active shooter as soon as possible. Officers will proceed directly to the area in which the last shots were heard. Officers usually arrive in teams of four (4). Officers may wear regular patrol uniforms or external bulletproof vests, Kevlar helmets, and other tactical equipment. Officers may be armed with rifles, shotguns, handguns. Officers may use pepper spray or tear gas to control the situation. Officers may shout commands, and may push individuals to the ground for their safety.

When law enforcement arrives:

  • Remain calm, and follow officers’ instructions 
  • Put down any items in your hands (i.e., bags, jackets) 
  • Immediately raise hands and spread fingers


  • Keep hands visible at all times 
  • Avoid making quick movements toward officers such as holding on to them for safety 
  • Avoid pointing, screaming and/or yelling 


  • Do not stop to ask officers for help or direction when evacuating, just proceed in the direction from which officers are entering the premises 

Expect rescue teams comprised of additional officers and emergency medical personnel to follow the initial officers. These rescue teams will treat and remove any injured persons. They may also call upon able-bodied individuals to assist in removing the wounded from the premises. Code, RRT, or other medical teams should not enter until cleared to do so by the officers. Once you have reached a safe location or an assembly point, you will likely be held in that area by law enforcement until the situation is under control, and all witnesses have been identified and questioned. Do not leave until law enforcement authorities have instructed you to do so.

Residence Life Policies & Procedures

In accordance with Pennsylvania State Law, no individual under 21 years of age may possess or consume alcoholic beverages in or on University property. Individuals under 21 years of age who are found possessing or consuming alcohol in the building will be asked to dispose of the alcohol immediately and will be subject to disciplinary action. Residents 21 and over may possess and consume alcohol responsibly in residential rooms.

  1. Alcohol consumption is not permitted in public areas of the residence halls or common areas (hallways, lounges, outside lawns, patios and student apartments with the doors open) regardless of the individuals age is prohibited.
  2. Alcohol consumption is not permitted by anyone in an adjacent area to a residential facility including, but not limited to, balconies, parking lots, patios, loading docks, porches, lawns, etc.
  3. Non-residents are not permitted to bring alcohol into the building.
  4. No alcohol is permitted in the Martin Solarium.
  5. Drinking paraphernalia including, but not limited to, funnels and beer pong tables are not permitted. This list is not exhaustive.
  6. Regardless of ownership or origin, any of the following items found in the residence halls will be confiscated and/or disposed of: alcoholic beverages found in the presence or possession of minors, kegs, beer balls, taps, home brewing kits or other mechanisms used to dispense alcohol. Public Safety staff is authorized to confiscate and dispose of such items.

  1. Students are expected to exercise extreme caution when completing art projects. Proper ventilation must be maintained and floors, walls, and furniture must be protected. The use of spray paint or any aerosol spray in the residence halls is prohibited. In addition, painting University is prohibited.
  2. Only removable shelf paper is permitted on cabinet and closet shelving. 

  1. The use of residence hall common property areas is restricted to the building occupants, their guests/visitors. The lounges are open for general resident use, 24 hours per day.
  2. University-affiliated groups and organizations may use the lounge if the space has been reserved through the facility’s staff.


    Groups that utilize common areas must be limited to the number of persons that can be accommodated by the common area’s maximum occupancy standard.

  3. Common area furniture must remain in the assigned common area. A fee may be assessed if common area furniture needs to be moved back to its appropriate location. Residents are not permitted to possess common area furniture or other equipment that has been assigned to a common area in their assigned spaces. Students found in violation of this standard will face disciplinary action.
  4. Common areas cannot be used for sales or solicitation.
  5. Due to health and safety concerns, students are expected to keep common areas, including common kitchens, reasonably clean and orderly for community use. All kitchen dishes, pots, and pans must be washed and stored immediately after use. Counters should be cleaned following use. Garbage should be disposed of properly and not flushed down sink drains. Continued failure to adhere to these standards could result in disciplinary action or loss of access.
  6. Residents are not permitted to sleep in the common areas of residential facilities.
  7. At no point, are resident’s items to be left or discarded in the common areas of any residential facility. The entire floor will be subject to fines if items are left in the common areas and have to be disposed of by University personnel.

  1. The Assistant Director of Residential Life maintains and approves all reservations for the use of common area space in the residence halls.
  2. Resident students can reserve these lounges, free of charge. To reserve one of these areas please log into the Housing Portal and click on "Building Resources." Once on this page you can find the space you want to reserve and create a reservation. Once a reservation has been made, the resident host will receive a confirmation email with the reservation details. Reservations will be granted in order of inquiry via the completed reservation form. Reservation requests must be submitted five business days prior to the date of the intended event. The resident host will receive an email regarding the confirmed reservation.
  3. Residential Life and Departmental events will take priority over other events in the event of a scheduling conflict.
  4. All visiting students, staff and faculty will be asked to sign in and show proper identification at the security desk of each residence hall.
  5. The reservation form contains an alcohol permit section. Alcohol may be served at events when written approval and an alcohol permit has been received from Office Residential Life. To request approval to serve alcohol at an event in the residence halls, contact the Assistant Director of Residential Life at 215-955-1755.
  6. Approval for serving alcoholic beverages at a resident sponsored event will be dependent on the nature of the scheduled event, expected attendance and adherence to ORL procedures.
  7. There will be no alcohol approval for gatherings with over 25 persons (residents and non-residents) and 50 persons (if all are building residents.)
  8. No alcohol is permitted in the Martin Solarium.
  9. The quantity of alcohol permitted will be reasonably limited based on the actual attendance at an event. The resident sponsor must adhere to the policies and procedures contained in the Student Alcohol Policy (117.03).
  10. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to monitor the event and take any action necessary to ensure the security of the participants, residents and facilities. Any unapproved group gatherings in the lounge where alcohol is present will be immediately terminated and students may be subject to disciplinary action.
  11. Residents are expected to clean up after the event. Residents are to conduct themselves responsibly while using the lounges and terminate events by 11:00 p.m. With the written permission of the Assistant Director of Residential Life, exceptions can be made to the 11:00 p.m. time. Residents using the Barringer lounge for general purposes must register with the Front Desk. Abuse of the lounge may result in termination of reservation privileges and/or other disciplinary action.
  12. Should a reservation time conflict with general resident occupancy of either lounge, the person with the reservation obtains priority use of the lounge. A schedule of lounge reservations is available online at each building’s Front Desk computer.
  13. Non-University affiliated groups are not permitted to reserve common area space in the residence halls. Groups found violating this policy will not be permitted to use the space for future events and may be subject to disciplinary action.

In order for everyone to thrive in this environment, residence hall communities must be accepting and inclusive of all residents, as well as fully support the University's commitment to civility and respect. Upon the approval of ORL residents within a defined area (floor, building, etc.) can create policies that further the quality of the living experience for all its members (community standards agreements).

Community Developed Policies must:

  1. Be congruent with current University and ORL policies and procedures.
  2. Be agreed upon by all community members.

  1. In general, damages other than normal wear and tear will be assessed to the resident(s). In the event that two or more persons occupy the same room and it cannot be ascertained who is responsible for the loss or damage, the assessment and/or disciplinary consequence shall be shared equally among those assigned to the space.
  2. Charges for moving furniture back to its proper location or for the replacement costs of furnishings will be assessed against the responsible resident(s).
  3. Students are required to report any information regarding specific acts of vandalism of damage (including accidental damages) to Residential Life staff, or Public Safety within 24 hours. Reports can be made by submitting an online Work Order, contacting a Resident Assistant or other ORL staff member, or calling Public Safety.
  4. Residents cannot paint, damage, or otherwise alter the private or public spaces of the facility or property.
  5. Residents must keep the exterior of facilities (including porches, lawns, etc.) free of garbage, unapproved furniture, and flammable liquids and gases.
  6. Residents are prohibited from causing unnecessary garbage or debris in the hallways, public spaces, egresses, etc.
  7. Residents are held responsible for the condition of the room that they are assigned. Each room is inspected during check-in and a Room Inventory is completed. Residents should check the information on the Room Inventory for errors, add additional information, and sign it. As residents check out of their spaces, damage inspections will occur using the Room Inventory as guidance.
  8. Residents are not permitted to repair or attempt to repair damages.
  9. Residents must agree to satisfy any damage assessment charges billed to them within ten (10) business days of receipt of the bill.

Final determination of all damages will be determined by a Residential Life professional staff member after the final inspection of the room. Charges are made on the basis of estimated replacement costs of existing University property along with, estimated labor charges. 

  1. All students share in the responsibility for the maintenance and upkeep of any common area space, both building-wide and on floors and houses. As such, damages are charged to all residents responsible for the particular common area. The University asks students to report information leading to the appropriate individual(s) responsible for damage and encourages students to take responsibility for the damage in which they, themselves, were involved.
  2. As a community, residents are responsible for the condition of the public common areas.  Damage which cannot be assessed to the appropriate individual(s) will be divided equally among the residents of the hall, house or floor, as applicable. 
  3. Common area damages may not be appealed unless the specific resident(s) responsible for the damages accepts responsibility.

  1. The University is not liable for any loss or damage incurred to residents’ personal property, whether by flood, fire, theft, or any other cause.
  2. Residents of University Housing are required to provide adequate insurance coverage for all personal property by their move-in date. Students are required to ensure their property has the necessary coverage whether by coverage through a parent/guardian’s homeowner’s insurance policy or through individual renter’s insurance coverage.
  3. Residents assume any and all liability for damage or claims that result from their own negligence, as well as any negligence of their guests.
  4. Residents are liable for any damage and/or loss to a room, its furnishings, or any other part of the residence hall.
  5. Misuse, abuse, theft, or damage to personal property by one resident or group of residents to another is not permitted.

The possession and/or use of narcotics or drugs other than those medically prescribed, properly used, properly secured, and in the original container (hereafter: Drugs), is prohibited in the residence halls. Drugs and drug paraphernalia will be confiscated by Public Safety if found on University property.

Residents must dispose of their trash in the appropriate designated areas. Collecting excessive trash inside or around residential areas is prohibited.

  1. All residence hall entrance doors are locked for student safety 24 hours each day. Access to the residence hall is only through the front door. All other doors are locked from the outside and equipped with exit alarms that sound when the door is opened. These doors are to be used only in case of an emergency.
  2. To enter a building, residents must swipe their ID at the proximity reader by the lobby doors.
  3. Students are not permitted to share keys or swipe into a residence hall with another student’s ID. Any student who violates this policy will be subject to disciplinary action.
  4. ORL Professional Staff and Public Safety reserve the right to deny admittance to any person to the residence halls.

In order to protect the personal well-being and safety of the community, the Office of Residential Life strictly enforces all fire safety regulations. Violation of these regulations may result in a fine and immediate removal from the residence halls.

  1.  All residents must evacuate the building when a fire alarm sounds.
  2.  Any resident who fails to leave a residential facility whenever the fire alarm is engaged will be subject to disciplinary action, possible fines and arrest. Additionally, in the cases of false alarms, the City of Philadelphia may fine any resident(s) found responsible for initiating a false fire alarm in excess of $500.
  3.  When responsible parties cannot be determined, residents of the residence area in which the false alarm or tampering took place may be subject to a collective fine. Arson Investigators will follow-up after all fires, even those deemed minor.
  4. To ensure that the smoke detectors are appropriately used and serve the designed function, it is expected that students will not dismantle or otherwise tamper with them. Students may not hang items from the smoke detectors or sprinkler heads. It is prohibited to cover the smoke detectors or sprinkler heads with any type of cloth, cardboard, plastic or other material, decorative or otherwise.   
    1. Smoke detectors are smoke sensitive; this includes burned popcorn, cigarette smoke, incense, vapor etc. If the smoke detector in a room should sound, residents should immediately contact Public Safety and/or a member of the Residential Life staff.
    2. Students found responsible for misusing or tampering with smoke detectors will be assessed a fine and the cost of repair and/or replacement, in addition to being subject to disciplinary action. If a smoke detector in a student room has been tampered with, the room occupants(s), whether present at the time or not, will assume responsibility if no other individual is found to be responsible.

The University is required by law to conduct fire drills throughout the academic year. Students should be familiar with the building exits to be used in the event a fire alarm is sounded. Residents are not permitted to prop open fire exit doors. Residents must report a propped fire exit door to ORL staff (including resident assistants) or Public Safety.

Guest Policy

Residents and guests at all times must adhere to the following guidelines:

  1. Residents are responsible for the behavior of their guest(s) at all times and should a guest's presence create a disturbance or disruption to the community, that individual may be asked to leave by a staff member.
  2. Failure to comply with this policy can lead to a referral to the University Community Standards process.
  3. Hosts are responsible for maintaining accurate guest registration records in their housing portal.
  4. At the discretion of University staff, guests may be prohibited from entering any or all University residence halls.
  5. Guests are only permitted in the residence halls while the host resident is present. This includes, but is not limited to, any common areas stairwells, lobbies, elevators and kitchens.
  6. All guests must be escorted in and out of the building with their host.
  7. Guests do not receive mail or keys from University staff.

Types of Guests

Jefferson Guests: Any individual who has a valid Jefferson ID with visible photo.

Non- Jefferson Guests: An individual who does not have a valid Jefferson ID.

Residence Hall Access:

Access between hours of 8 a.m. to 12 a.m., single day visitation, and non-overnight stays:

Jefferson Guests:

  1. Host residents will be required to meet their guests at the front desk, in order to properly check them in with front desk staff.
  2. Guests will need to present and leave their Jefferson ID with front desk staff upon entering the building. 
  3. Upon the end of the visitation, Jefferson guests may pick up their ID from the front desk staff.  

Non-Jefferson Guests:

All non-Jefferson guests must be pre-registered through the “Guest Registration” form on the housing portal prior to their arrival. Look for the “Guest Registration” button on the right side of the home page. Click on the button and complete the online form. Click submit.

  1. Host residents will be required to meet their guests at the front desk, in order to properly check them in with front desk staff.
  2. Upon the end of the visitation, hosts should check their guests out with the front desk. 

Overnight Guests- Guests between 12 a.m. and 8 a.m.

All overnight guests, regardless of guest type, must be pre-registered through the “Guest Registration” form on the housing portal prior to their arrival. Look for the “Guest Registration” button on the right side of the home page. Click on the button and complete the online form then click submit.

  1. Host residents will be required to meet their guests at the front desk, in order to properly check them in with our desk staff.
  2. Residents may not have overnight guests for more than seven (7) consecutive nights. An individual guest may spend no more than fourteen (14) nights per month within a residential facility.
  3. No guest under 16 years of age is permitted to stay overnight (past midnight) in a residential facility.
  4. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to limit the number and frequency of overnight guests.
  5. The total number of overnight guests in a room may not exceed the capacity of that room. Martin Hall may only have 2 guests at any given time.

Sports activity or any other type of physical activity that causes disruption in the residential facilities is prohibited. Activities include, but are not limited to skateboarding, inline skating, bike riding, hover board usage, electric scooter usage, drone usage, water gun usage, ball and Frisbee tossing, boxing, or wrestling. This list is not exhaustive.

In accordance with University Policy, all residents must carry a Jefferson/Jefferson Hospital Photo Identification Badge to access on-campus buildings including the residence halls. Residence hall clearances are managed by The Office of Residential Life. Requests to update, remove or change existing residence hall clearances can be made in the ORL Office.

New Students: Please fill out the Residence Hall Access Form located in your move-in packet to gain access into your Residence Hall. You have to have the physical ID in order to fill out the form. 

Current Residents

  1. If a card malfunctions and does not release the door, please let the Front Desk staff know. Front Desk staff can assist in verifying your identity and helping a resident gain access to the building.
  2. Residents must have their ID to enter the building. If a resident fails to have their ID upon entering the residence hall three (3) times during a semester, they will be charged a fee $25 for each subsequent entry during that semester.

Resident ID Policy: Passing an ID to a friend or family member is a violation of the Jefferson Photo ID Policy. If a non-resident is found with a resident’s ID, the ID will be confiscated until the resident can retrieve and sign for the Photo ID with a representative of the Office of Residential Life (usually front desk staff) and the resident will face disciplinary action. Each resident is responsible for maintaining a secure environment in the residences.

Non-Affiliate ID Cards

  1. Non-affiliate photo identification badges will expire at the end of the lease agreement and are not renewable.
  2. The Photo Identification Center, under whose authority identification badges are prepared and issued, manages all Photo ID printing and pricing.

Photo ID Center
1100 Walnut Street, Philadelphia, PA 19107

In order to set up the intercom system, please contact to the property manager, Jim Leinenbach, at JimL@PMCPropertyGroup.com.

Each resident listed on the Housing Agreement is given one key to their respective room or apartment. For safety reasons, additional keys cannot be dispensed (except in cases of documented loss). Sharing keys is not permitted and any residents sharing keys will be subject to disciplinary action. It is unlawful to make duplicate keys from the original.

  1. Report lost keys immediately to PMC (if during business hours, please visit the PMC Office, Orlowitz 106.) Appropriate measures will be taken to supply you with a replacement key and minimize any potential Campus Security risks. 
  2. Residents will be charged a fee by PMC for replacing a lost key. Residents will be charged a fee in the event that the entire lock must be changed.
  3. There is a copy of each room key (for both Barringer and Orlowitz only) at the Front Desk of Orlowitz and at the Martin Front Desk (for Martin only). These keys are for maintenance, Campus Security or custodial emergencies. They can also be used when a resident locks themselves out of their apartment.
  4. To obtain a lockout key, go to the appropriate front desk. If the resident loses a lockout key, PMC may charge a fee for the lost key.

It is advisable to keep your apartment or room door locked at all times. Place the key, from the outside, into the lock and turn it two revolutions. This will engage the bolt. When inside the apartment, the chain latch (if available) should be used for safety purposes.

Loading zones are used for:

  1. Move-in and move out-purposes
  2. Unloading items

Outside of move-in/move-out, loading and Unloading permits will be for one (1) hour only and for one (1) car only.

The Martin Basement Lounge contains a pool table, ping-pong table and foosball table for residents to enjoy. Martin, Barringer, and Orlowitz residents may use these on a sign-in, first come, first served basis.

  1. Use of the pool table, ping-pong table or foosball table is for Martin, Barringer, and Orlowitz residents. 
  2. The tables can be used whenever there is not a reserved function in the lounge. Reserved functions have priority use of the lounge. 
  3. Individuals may be asked to discontinue playing if a complaint is received from other lounge users. 
  4. The resident must leave a Jefferson Photo ID with the front desk clerk in exchange for any equipment or games. The ID will be returned to the resident when the equipment has been returned to the front desk. 
  5. Guests of residents must be accompanied by the resident at all times when using the lounge.
  6. Individuals using the basement lounges must comply with all lounge policies and procedures established by the Office of Residential Life. ORL reserves the right to monitor and take any action necessary to ensure the security of the participants, residents and facilities.

  • The Office of Residential Life insists that all students exercise responsibility, thoughtfulness and restraint in the production of noise of any kind: vocal, musical, recorded, or mechanical. Courtesy hours are in effect 24 hours a day in ALL university housing. Courtesy hours are those hours during which the noise level is not above what would be expected in a typical household residence. Courtesy hours also means showing courtesy for fellow residents by acknowledging requests made for sleep or study.
  •  The University has also established Quiet Hours to ensure that residential student respect one another’s need for rest and quiet time. Quiet hours are Sunday through Thursday, 10 p.m. to 8 a.m. and Friday and Saturday from 1 a.m. to 10 a.m.
  • Residents are encouraged to speak with their neighbors or people on their floor first before calling for the Resident Assistant On-Duty or the ORL Office. Residents must comply with any request for reducing noise and volume. Noise must be limited to the confines of a resident’s room. 

  • The Office of Residential Life does not permit pets in the residence halls. Pets include, but are not limited to, animals, fish, birds, insects, reptiles and/or lab specimens.
  • Students found with an animal in the residence halls will be asked to remove the animal immediately. Failure to comply with this request may result in fines, disciplinary action and removal from housing, along with the permanent removal of the animal.
  • If the animal presents an immediate threat, Public Safety may be involved.

  • All bulletin boards located in the residence halls are for residential information notices. Signs or flyers must be approved by the Office of Residential Life and posted in the appropriate areas. Unauthorized postings will be removed and discarded.
  • Do not post items in the elevators, on glass or on painted wall areas. All postings must uphold the University Posting Policy. The Office of Residential Life reserves the right to approve, deny and/or remove any posting that does not meet University requirements.

There are no designated parking areas for students living on-campus at the center city campus. Students are responsible for finding their own short-term or long-term parking. There are several parking lots surrounding Thomas Jefferson University and discounts available through the Commuter Services Office. For more information regarding parking around Jefferson, please refer to the Commuter Services website.

There are four pianos for resident students to use in the residence halls. Pianos are located in the Barringer 1st Floor Lounge, the Martin Basement Lounge, the Martin 1st floor kitchen, and in the Martin Solarium Lounge.

  1. The use of the pianos, in any of the spaces, is on a first come, first serve basis. Students can reserve a piano on the Housing Portal (under Building Resources) prior to using. This will ensure the piano is available. Individuals are held responsible for any damage that may occur to the piano during the time they are using the piano. 
  2. Each of the pianos are available to be played from 9:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m., 7 days/week, as long as the lounge is not reserved or being used for another event. There is a one (1) hour limit. If no one has a reservation for the lounge or piano, the individual can continue to use the piano past the one hour time limit. 
  3. Individuals or groups who have the lounge reserved for a meeting or event can utilize the piano throughout the duration of their reservation, beyond the normal one (1) hour limit. 
  4. Individuals may be asked to discontinue playing if a noise complaint is received. ORL may revoke playing privileges at any time.
  5. All pianos are owned and maintained by ORL. Report any issues with the piano to the Front Desk staff immediately.

The following activities are prohibited in University residence halls. In addition to other prohibited activities, any activity that violates Community Standards Policies are prohibited.

Facilities Misuse or Damages - students are prohibited from intentionally damaging or misusing residence hall facilities, in ways including but not limited to:

  1. Removing screens from windows and or using the window as a point of entry or exit
  2. Adhering items in such a way as to damage walls, furniture or woodwork
  3. Painting any University property
  4. Making structural modifications to any room
  5. Tampering with electrical wiring and attaching power strips or extension cords to walls or ceiling
  6. Collecting excessive garbage inside or around residence areas
  7. Disposing of personal trash in a bathroom or laundry room trash can
  8. Removing furnishings provided by the University from rooms or common areas (lounges) or use of any furniture contrary to designated use
  9. Using social lounges for personal storage or to the exclusion of other residents
  10. Entering onto or otherwise occupying roofs
  11. Cooking in resident rooms
  12. Cooking and approved cooking devices must be confined to common area kitchens (Martin Hall only)
  13. Sleeping in or on facilities/quarters not designed for that purpose
  14. Using bathrooms of a gender different than the student’s gender identity

Restricted Access – students are prohibited from accessing restricted spaces and unauthorized areas in residence hall facilities, including but not limited to:

  1. Mechanical rooms (basement, hallways)
  2. Roof tops
  3. Housekeeping closets

There are various items that are not appropriate for use in student rooms for safety reasons. Possession of one or more of these items can subject the occupant(s) of the room to a fine and possible disciplinary action. Students are prohibited from possessing, using any of the items listed below in the residence halls, including but not limited to:

Martin Hall (Fire Hazards)

  1. Candles with wicks, lanterns, incense, oil/candle warmers, lava lamps, and/or open flames of any kind
  2. Flammable decorations such as live evergreen trees (e.g., fir or pine trees) and streamers
  3. Items with a heating element such as hot plates, electric frying pans, grills, the George Foreman grill, irons, immersion coils, rice cookers, electric kettles, panini presses, popcorn poppers, air fryers, and other similar cooking or heating devices
  4. Sheets, decorations, and/or tapestry hung from ceilings, over windows or as room dividers, hammocks
  5. Flammable liquids, including but not limited to gasoline, turpentine, oil-based paint
  6. Hover boards, self-balancing scooters, battery-operated scooters, hands-free Segway’s, electric-powered skateboards, and similar devices
  7. Multiple outlets ("3 in 1" plugs, plug strips, etc.) or adapters without a reset button. Power strips with reset buttons are the only permissible outlet adapters
  8. Weapons (see the Community Standards Policy)

Barringer and Orlowitz Halls (Fire Hazards)

  1. Candles with wicks, lanterns, incense, oil/candle warmers, lava lamps, and/or open flames of any kind
  2. Sheets, decorations, and/or tapestry hung from ceilings, over windows or as room dividers, hammocks
  3. Flammable liquids, including but not limited to gasoline, turpentine, oil-based paint
  4. Hover boards, self-balancing scooters, battery-operated scooters, hands-free Segway’s, electric-powered skateboards, and similar devices
  5. Multiple outlets ("3 in 1" plugs, plug strips, etc.) or adapters without a reset button. Power strips with reset buttons are the only permissible outlet adapters
  6. Weapons (see the Community Standards Policy)

All Residence Halls (General Hazards)

  1. Water beds and other liquid-filled furniture, including tanks and hot tubs
  2. Unauthorized, unapproved lofts
  3. Cinderblocks
  4. Power tools
  5. Bicycles (unless they are in a University-designated bicycle storage area)

Noise Amplifiers

  1. Musical amplifiers may be stored in residence halls rooms, but may not be used in residence hall rooms
  2. Drums or drum sets

The University recognizes and respects the basic interest of each resident to maintain privacy and control of personal living space. The University also has the responsibility to provide safe and secure residential facilities for both present and future occupants.

Right of Entry - Thomas Jefferson University and the Philadelphia Management Company reserve the right to enter residents' rooms for administrative reasons under the following circumstances:

  1. The overall well-being and order of the residential community is thought to be in jeopardy.
  2. Completion of a work-order.
  3. Danger, including, but not limited to, floods, fire and life- or injury-threatening situation is thought to be occurring or is imminent.
  4. The occupant cannot be located for an extended period of time (a wellness check for this purpose will solely be to enter the room and look for the occupant).
  5. It is necessary to inspect for, correct, repair, or remove hazards to health or personal safety.
  6. It is necessary to inspect a vacant apartment in order to prepare it for occupancy; it is believed that a resident is using their assigned space in a manner inconsistent with the provisions of the housing agreement or other University policies.

Room Inspection - When a resident's room is entered for reasons described above in the Right of Entry policy, the University official generally will conduct a "plain view inspection." Only under exigent circumstances involving threats to health, safety or potential violations of the University's policies, as determined by the Dean of Students Office will a thorough room search be conducted. 

Smoking (including e-cigarettes and vaporizers) is prohibited in all residence halls and on the Jefferson Campus.

No sale or solicitation of materials or services of any type is allowed within the residence halls. Residents are not permitted to use the residence halls to conduct any type of business.

Students should report solicitors to the Front Desk immediately. This is to maintain privacy, safety, and an environment conducive to academic achievement.

Due to limited space, only one locker may be assigned per apartment. Residents must provide locks for their lockers. The following policies adhere to stored items:

  1. Lockers must be officially registered with the front desk and tagged with the resident’s name, apartment number, and date of storage.
  2. Residents will only be able store items during the dates of their lease agreement. No items will be able to be stored prior to or after the date of the lease agreement.
  3. Due to Campus Security and fire codes, all items must be secured with a lock and in a locker. Items outside of lockers, or in unsecured lockers, are subject to disposal. 
  4. Due to fire codes, residents are not permitted to obstruct the halls, stairs, landings, communal areas, or sidewalks with any article of property. ORL/PMC reserves the right to remove and dispose of any such obstructions without liability.
  5. Residents must remove items when moving out of the building. Items found after a resident's departure will be considered abandoned and will be discarded.
  6. Items are stored at the risk of the owner. Thomas Jefferson University, the Office of Residential Life, and Philadelphia Management Company are not responsible for items lost, stolen, damaged, or discarded.

Students are not permitted to make any structural modifications to any university owned or managed residential facility.