Institute for Smart & Healthy Cities Venice Exhibit 2023

Student Projects

Jefferson Campus Residents Tower

  • Joseph Sauers

Within the urban fabric of Philadelphia our research of the health and quality of life and climate change impacts informed the anticipation for extended housing capabilities on the universities campus. The project will vertically extend the campus green pedestrian spine through a series of 8 neighborhoods to create Jefferson’s vertical town. The tower will accommodate housing for seniors, hospital staff, students, and the high-end residential market. Neighborhood 8 will enhance Philadelphia’s green infrastructure, provide housing for essential workers, and generate profits for Thomas Jefferson University to expand its healthcare expertise to the people of Philadelphia and beyond the city’s boundaries.

Evening rendering from the Ben Franklin Bridge looking towards Center City, Philadelphia.
Axonometric view facing Southeast with fully rendered facade and glazing system topped with a full floor restaurant and urban viewing outlook. The base peels away to invite foot traffic from Walnut & 9th Street.
1 Extrusion - Vertical extrusion; 2 Divide - Modular sections; 3 Program - Designating programs; 4 Twist - Subtracting a vertical twist around the building; 5 Green - Community winter gardens in the negative space of the twist; 6 Views - Locating views of Philadelphia
Partial section through one of the eight vertical neighborhoods. Above and below the neighborhood are the sky-lobby’s that divides the building.
Periodically throughout the vertical neighborhoods are two-story sky-lobby’s that features a large winter garden and restaurant spaces.
Evening rendering of the parametric facade and winter gardens.