Accelerated Bachelor's Degree Completion

The Bachelor of Science Degree Completion Program is intended for those with some previous college experience who are ready to complete their undergraduate degree. Finishing your undergraduate education can open new paths and give you the confidence to take charge of your career. With different majors to choose from, you have the power to decide where you want to take your education, at the pace that makes sense for you.

The degree completion program has the structure and support for you to succeed, with exciting features like:

  • Credit for previous education and work experience, allowing you to bring 30 to 87 transfer credits to start.
  • Accelerated terms, online and hybrid options
  • Support from application to graduation to help you thrive. Our professors know exactly what it's like to return to school—some even graduated from this program!
  • Convenient locations, giving you more options to make this the best fit for your life and career.
  • Tuition discounts, making your education more affordable than ever.

List of Majors

The Accelerated Bachelor of Science Degree Completion Program is intended for those with some previous college experience who are ready to complete their undergraduate degree. Finishing your undergraduate education can open new career paths and give you the confidence to take charge of your future.