Musculoskeletal/Neuroradiology Fellowship


Name: Adam Zoga, MD
  • Associate Professor of Radiology
  • Vice Chair for Clinical Practice
  • Director,Ambulatory Imaging Centers Program
  • Co-Director, Combined Musculoskeletal/Neuroradiology MRI Fellowship


Name: Majid Khan, MD
  • Associate Professor of Radiology
  • Director, Non-Vascular Interventional Neuroradiology
  • Program Co-Director, Combined Musculoskeletal/Neuroradiology MRI Fellowship
  • Neuroradiology Fellowship Education Coordinator

For Program Information

Name: Isabella Corcoran
Position: Program Coordinator
Contact Number(s):

The Combined Imaging Fellowship is a dedicated one-year program for three or four fellows incorporating aspects of clinical magnetic resonance imaging. The combined MRI (hybrid) fellowship is optimal for a candidate planning to pursue a career in a high volume radiology practice with subspecialty MRI expertise. The curriculum includes six blocks of neuroradiology, five blocks of musculoskeletal MRI/CT and an elective month that can be used for subspecialty training in body MRI, musculoskeletal ultrasound, cardiothoracic imaging or one of the basic radiology rotations.

Suitable candidates will show aptitude in managing a heavy MRI workload, interacting with MRI technologists and referring providers, and handling MRI triage and protocols.  Fellows will master basic musculoskeletal procedures including arthrography and aspirations, and state of the art neuroradiology practices including MRA and CTA applications.

Fellows with interest in learning advanced  non-vascular interventional techniques will have opportunities to do so for both spinal and extra-spinal minimally invasive image guided interventions

Application Deadline Information

NOTE: Applications will be accepted after August 1st and will be considered on a rolling basis. 

The Combined Musculoskeletal/Neuroradiology Fellowship program is non-AGCME-accredited and does NOT participate in the NRMP match program.