Graduate Policies
Academic Standing
This policy specifies the minimum academic performance required of all graduate students as measured by Grade Point Average (GPA) and/or course grade(s) and dictates the ramifications for failing to meet that minimum.
Good Academic Standing
Graduate students are determined to be in Good Academic Standing based on a minimum GPA of 3.0 and/or grade earned in courses at the conclusion of every semester in which credits were attempted.
Academic Probation & Dismissal
Probation and dismissal are college and program specific as identified in the College Handbook and with chair/program director consultation.
Academic Dismissal
Students who fail to bring their cumulative GPA to or above the minimum for Good Academic Standing may be academically dismissed from the University as identified in the College Handbook and formal letter from the Program Director. Students may apply to and be considered for another academic program based on meeting the minimum qualifications for admissions.
A student’s academic standing is based on the results of their academic performance at Thomas Jefferson University, as calculated by Grade Point Average (GPA) and/or minimum course grade earned in a semester. College and program specific information are identified in the College and/or Program Handbooks.
This policy is applicable to graduate students in certificate, masters and doctoral degree programs at Thomas Jefferson University. Colleges and programs have specific criteria for academic standing as identified in their College/Program Handbooks.
- Official notification of probation or dismissal are in writing and sent to the student’s University email by the chair/program director of the student’s academic program. The University Registrar is copied on the correspondence and information distributed as appropriate.
- Students may appeal probation and dismissal as described in their status letter and their College/Program Handbook.
- Appeal consideration is based on extenuating circumstances such as document illness or momentary hardship.
- If student is unsatisfied with the outcome of their program level appeal, they have the right to make a final appeal in writing within two weeks of the first appeal decision to the College Dean who will review and issue a final appeal determination.
- If a grade change results in a student’s GPA rising to Good Academic Standing, they should notify the Registrar’s Office to request a change in Academic Standing; reassessment is not automatic and must come from a request to reassess standing.
- Students seeking to change their major or be reinstated into a different major must meet the admissions criteria for the program to which they will be applying.