Undergraduate Policies

Leave of Absence - Medical


Students may request a medical leave of absence (MLOA) if they experience health concerns that limit their ability to function successfully or safely in their role as students.


Medical Leave of Absence: when a student departs the University and interrupts their studies due to medical reasons but plans on returning within 12 months of the effective date of the leave of absence.


Students who must temporarily interrupt progress toward degree due to a health condition may request a MLOA.


This policy applies to all students at Thomas Jefferson University.


MLOA process

A student who wishes to take a MLOA must communicate in writing, and meet in person as needed, with the appropriate university representative ("University Representative”) to request a leave (see chart below).  The student must also consult with the appropriate Student Health clinician on their campus (see chart below) prior to the start of the leave,

to discuss the reasons for the leave and to provide information from the student’s treating clinician. The Student Health clinician will ensure that the student is evaluated and will communicate with the University Representative about the request.  A MLOA can be requested (including and requisite evaluation and related paperwork) up until the last official day of class for the current semester, which is noted in the academic calendar.  If requested with all accompanying requirements and approved by this date, a grade of W will be assigned to all unfinished courses.

In cases involving an urgent medical condition, the Student Health clinician may opt to forgo a personal visit and gather the necessary information from the treating clinician with the student’s written authorization. If the Student Health clinician is the student’s treating provider, an alternate, independent clinician will be selected to evaluate the need for a leave of absence.  If the request for a MLOA is approved, written approval will be provided to the student by the University Representative.  It is important that students connect with other University offices, such as Student Accounts, Financial Aid, and Student Health Insurance, to determine how a leave will impact their finances and coverage(s). During a MLOA, the University will determine whether restrictions in access to campus, email account(s), or other University services and supports are necessary during the leave. The student will be informed, in writing, of any such restrictions.  While on a MLOA, students are not permitted to take any coursework at Jefferson or any other institution.

Returning from Leave

A student seeking to return from a MLOA must direct their request in writing to the University Representative, who will then refer them to the appropriate Student Health clinician.  The Student Health clinician will arrange the appropriate screening(s) and will review information from the treating clinician and any other necessary practitioners. A University designated provider, such as the Student Health clinician or a designated psychiatrist, will provide a written recommendation about the student's return.   The University Representative will consider the information provided and will notify the student in writing of the decision on their request to return from medical leave.

Mandatory Medical Leave

The University reserves the right to temporarily remove a student from the University, a course, or a rotation, pending evaluation and, if necessary, a course of appropriate treatment. The University will determine the length of the MLOA and will require the student to undergo a clearance process prior to returning to the University.  Should the University require a mandatory leave of absence, the conditions of return will be defined, which may include restricting the scheduling of experiential education at away sites or at Thomas Jefferson University Hospitals.

If a student disagrees with the decision to impose a mandatory medical leave, an appeal may be filed with the Provost within a maximum of five (5) business days (excluding University holidays) of when the decision is delivered to the student.  The Provost, or Provost ’s designee, may discuss the case with any participant in the process.  All decisions of the Provost or designee are final.

University Representative Campus
Academic Advisor or Department Chair Center City
Academic Advisor or Department Chair Horsham
Dean of Students Office East Falls
Dean of Students Office New Jersey
Student Health Clinician Campus
Medical Director, Jefferson Occupational Health Network Center City
Medical Director, Jefferson Occupational Health Network Horsham
Director, Student Health Services or Student Counseling Services East Falls
Director, Student Health Services or Student Counseling Services New Jersey